Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let Me Whisper In Your Ear

'It's the holiday season and Santa Claus has got a toy for every good girl and good little boy.'

Oh Andy Williams. You make my heart leap out of my chest every year. You always put me in a good mood around this time of year. I never get holiday blues because of you. This year also gave me another reason to not be blue...Oprah and the Obama's. Thank you for leading us into the holidays, and I dare not be blue. Oprah, the most powerful human being to be genetically created, is the epitome of Christmas. Plus, she owns the rights to it. Apparently Santa was also hit hard by the economy, and needed a bail out. Reindeer droppings removal is quite expensive.

'He'll have a big fat pack upon his back And lots of goodies for you and me.'

You disappoint me Better Off Ted. Although last night's episode was funny as a stand alone, where was the Christmas spirit? Are you telling me that the good people of Veridian are that emotionally defunct that we can't get a Christmas party, or at least even a Christmas carol? Phil dressed like an elf would have given me sweet dreams of sugar plums and weird, um, little elf people. Sometimes I scare me.

'It's the holiday season with the whoop-de-do and hickory dock and don't forget to hang up your sock.'

Being on vacation is fun, except for the daytime television. If you have any type of taste at all, you're not watching any type of television from the hours of 9am to 5pm. That is unless you love repeats and soap operas. Luckily for me, I love BOTH! I watched Sportscenter for 6 straight hours on Monday and learned nothing new. Yesterday was a marathon of Law & Order: SVU, where I saw the Jupiter Jack commercial with both Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan. That was a little weird since it's the same script, the same images, but different spokespeople. I was spooked. I don't know who to listen to. The ghost of Billy Mays or the guy is scooping up his sloppy seconds. Anthony Sullivan, you are no Billy Mays. And Billy Mays, you are just as powerful in death as you were in life.

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