Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fixing a Hole in the Ocean

I hate reality programming. I know that hate is a very strong word that shouldn't be thrown around that often, but I really hate reality programming. It's the reason that there hasn't been good writing on TV since the Seinfeld days. Now it's all about putting the worst people into the worst situation possible and hope that drama occurs. Actually, it's not hope, it's knowing. Of course the slut and the meat head are going to hook up. You gave them shots of vodka and a hot tub and a camera. Today it's more shocking when they don't transfer diseases back and forth between each other.

That being said, I LOVE Jersey Shore.

All I heard Thursday night was how great it was. Texts poured about Mike "The Situation" and Nicole "Snooki/Snickers/Snickerdoodle" something or other. I even got one text asking if my brother auditioned, cause after all, he's a make believe guido. That's the one that got me to watch it. And I don't have 1 single complaint about it. You got 4 roid ragers mixed in with 4 future escorts. What could be more fun than that? I submit that there is nothing! After the first 20 minutes, I paused the show and instantly went to my season manager and set up the season pass. It's that good.

I don't want you to think that I'm going to start watching reality programming. I still don't understand the appeal of Housewives, or why there are people dumb enough to not know that they are 9 months pregnant (seriously, that show makes me want to burn my eyeballs out and then take a hammer to my temple.) Jersey Shore is something special though. I'm actually excited for all the STD's and hair gel to start flying. It's God's way of saying, "Don't worry. Television will come back. Trust me."


  1. ooooo me and Lenny are recording the season too. This show totally makes me feel better about

  2. What's the geek's view on this:

  3. I don't know what's worse...him being arrested or the person that told him it was cool to get all those tats on his neck.
