Saturday, December 12, 2009

See How They Run

Before I start this rant, I just want you to know that I, in no way, advocate violence done to any human. I, in no way, get offended at any offensive language used in a television show or a movie. I, in no way, agree with contradiction. But you, MTV, are now on notice.

Jersey Shore is fantastically horrible. In next weeks episode, every one's favorite "Princess of Poughkeepsie" Snooki receives a right cross from a bar patron for reasons only known (for now) to the cast, the guy playing Mike Tyson, the producers, the editors and the rest of MTV. After
up-coming scenes showed the punch, the clip went viral and everyone and their mother saw it. Now all Italian-American groups, as well as the Vatican probably, are up in arms about the show, saying that it's offensive to Italians and portrays the nationality in a bad light.

Being a rationale human being, I understand that this is entertainment. Being an Italian, I understand that these 8 people (now 7) are basically d-bags. So, here is where MTV gets an ear full.

You can't pull this clip from next week's episode. You have already set the precedent that you tolerate basically anything that happens on any of your shows, including violence towards women. If this wasn't so, you wouldn't glorify the "Slap heard round The Real World." Don't tell me you don't remember. Upon Irene leaving the house in the finale, Stephen stopped the car, opened the door, and slapped her right across the face. I remember watching it, thinking "Holy crap, I can't believe they let that happen." Then I thought about it, and of course I can believe you let it happen. I've seen it many times since then on various reunion shows. And I know why. It's because it's all about the ratings. It's all about getting enough people to watch your shows. I get that. What I don't get is why now, in a time where television has gotten more and more risque with situations and language, that you are pulling this clip? This clip is going to pull in a huge audience, and you know it. I don't buy that you now have a conscience when you're running an all day marathon of My Super Sweet-16 and Teen Mom, not to mention all the other programming that you throw at us. I don't buy it.

What I do buy is that you lost advertisers. You lost money, and that above everything is why the audience won't see the clip. Money is the absolute reason that we do, or don't do something. As soon as the first groups started complaining, and the advertisers started pulling out, you played the role you're not accustomed to, and that would be morally correct. I guess the bottom line is that you MTV, say and do one thing, and then when the money stops coming in, you decide to become Mother Teresa. That is until the next advertiser comes in and replaces that money.

So please continue exploiting all the 16 year-olds you can. Please keep glorifying teenage pregnancy. Please condone excessive drinking and promiscuous sex because after all, it's all about the advertisers money and what they want. Um I mean, the entertainment.

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