Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Believe in Yesterday

Since this is the first blog that I am attempting to write - and no one will read - I figured why not start off with a little bit about me and what I want to accomplish with this thing. First off, I've been trying to start one of these for a while now. I just never did because of a little thing called life. You can't believe how much energy you need to lay on the couch night after night, thinking about doing something constructive, only to turn over on the remote and have Bravo magically appear on your screen. Well, tonight is the night that I put down the remote and say WORLD HERE I AM! For those that are reading this after I begged you, my hope is that I can take some of the nonsensical thoughts in my head an put them down for your enjoyment. For anyone that might go backwards and read some of these and say, "Wow, I need to meet this character," you're in luck because I will be going on tour in February, signing people's chests and arms and things like that. It should be interesting.

Anyway, beyond the hope of actually getting people to read about me, I'm hoping to also entice people with my overwhelming knowledge of television - and some sports, some movies, and some music. Chances are there will be some posts that recap a certain show, or will pine nostalgically for the good old days where Sam and Diane were on, and then off, and then on, and then off, and then on, and then off again. TV is basically what I do for a living, and it's pretty much all I know. That might not be entirely true, but it's close to the truth. I'm a full believer that I have absolutely no talent whatsoever, and that non-talent shines through on a daily basis. And as you can tell from the name, I'm a self described geek. I know this to be true and I've known it since high school when I had to drug and blackmail the popular kids in order for them to let me hang out with them. To no one's surprise, I haven't spoken to many of those precious souls since June 1995.

If you haven't been able to tell by now, I'm a bit ADD, and a bit OCD, which makes for a violent and scary combination. I promise to keep the tangents to a minimum, but it will take some work. I'm already at like a billion words on this post and I didn't even get to what I wanted to talk about, but maybe that should wait till tomorrow. I know, you're not happy. Then again, you're not reading this, so really, it doesn't matter if you're happy or not. Just know that it is now my lot in life to keep you entertained. All zero of you.


  1. Just wanted to be the first official comment poster. Looking forward to having something entertaining to read every day :)

  2. I really want sweet potato fries after reading that...not sure why, but I do

  3. You have a talent for making me laugh... and that's important to me. Thanks! And best wishes. :)
