Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Break Down

Forgive me if I don't take the time to be nice with this. They have finally done it. They have finally killed any hope in the world. They have finally...taken Saved By The Bell off of TBS.

This is a day that I knew was coming, but were we really ready? Were we really expecting it to happen? Were we thinking about lovely Kelly in a one piece, or Slater's frolet and decided to ignore all the stories and what not? I think we were. And I for one and not happy. Not happy at all. Now whenever I hear bells ringing, I will only think about the hope that is gone from my life. The hope that can never be replaced. Tis a truly sad day. Today, I died, just a little bit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Don't Really Want to Stop the Show

Saying I'm a talentless hack is probably the wrong phrase to describe me. I'm more like talent-defective. If I was to accurately describe myself, it would be that I am talented at not being great at anything, but being sub-par at everything I do. Now I think that's actually harder to accomplish than 1 or 2 great things. To be talented at everything, without being good at any of those things? Amazing! If you don't mind, let's take a look:

- My writing skills are adequate at best. Nothing too funny, nothing too memorable, and for the most part I write in full sentences with minimal grammatical errors, but you may hang on my every word cause you're hoping I say something funny or memorable.
- My athletic skills were always just good enough to not be picked last, but not good enough to win any MVPs, or even MIPs. Plus plateauing at age 7 was probably not the best way to go about winning any trophies.
- I take a butt load of pictures at events, but always seem to miss the absolute perfect picture. It's good that recognize that I missed that opportunity right after it happens.
- Even my knowledge of TV, movies and sports is on the level of "good enough to keep up, but not vast enough to surprise anyone." I blame my parents for that one.

For all the talent-deficiencies I have, it's a good thing I'm cute - which can be argued as well, but that's a whole other story.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Head is Filled With Things to Say

I turned CBS at 5:30 yesterday afternoon to watch the Super Bowl. I figured it would be a fun little exercise to put down some thoughts as the game moved along, followed by some editing, and then finally posting it. Well, I didn't edit anything (with the exception of spelling and a couple of gramatical errors). Here's what transpired.


- I’m going Colts 37, Saints 24. Peyton can do what he wants when he wants. Brees is not there just yet.
- Bill Cowher just paraphrased Herm Edwards – you play to win the game. Sound advice.
- Katie Couric is weird looking. I know this isn’t too PC, but I can’t think of any other words to describe her. She should have at least pretended that she knew something about football
- James Brown’s tie is definitely something that you shouldn’t take your eye off of. That thing might win MVP of the half time and post game show.
- Whoever thought of the combination that creates bruschetta deserves a kiss.
- Just checked my boxes and realized that I didn’t pick a score that would let me win. I would have blamed it on the excitement of the game but I’m more excited to see the commercials.
- I like Jay-Z. He’s retired more times than Brett Favre, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me that much. It might be cause he’s wearing a carnation on his blazer. Yes, I am that old.
- Jim Nantz just called us all friends. He loves us, and we love him.
- The commercials haven’t even started and I heard “These commercials are boring!” Today might be a long day.
- 1980’s Saturday Night’s Main Event to welcome the Saints!! I may need to change my pick.
- Was that the CSI: Miami music? Now I’m happy I didn’t go with the Saints. Go Colts!
- Congrats Brian Waters.
- I didn’t know Queen Latifah still sang. The things you learn on Super Bowl Sunday.
- Glad to see Jim Caldwell doesn’t blink. Then again, do robots blink?
- Carrie Underwear started singing, and Jim Caldwell blinked, but his eyes didn’t close. She may have that much power that she makes robots show emotion.
- Love Larry Bird reprising his role as Larry Bird in a McDonald’s Super Bowl ad. Guess Jordan was too busy ruining, um I mean, running the Bobcats.

First quarter

- I don’t know if I’m excited about this game yet. I am excited for the chicken quesadillas though.
- Does hair like that weight you down? I wouldn’t know. I don’t have any.
- Peyton may take them down the field in 4 plays. I don’t know if the Saints really stand a chance.
- Caldwell, still not blinking.
- Second commercial to bring back on the glory days of TV, and Jim McMahon doesn’t look too good. The thong was hot though.
- I may flip flop a few times tonight. Feel a 7-3 lead for the Saints coming on.
- I was wrong. Probably no need to flip flop tonight. Colts are going to win.
- Doritos might be winning the commercial contest right now, although Bud Light did have some scientist on scientist action going on right now.
- Can the Colts shut them out? If they do I won’t win any money, so I’m going with no, they can’t.
- I would love to know where Joseph Addai was all season? That was his longest gain of the season. And he’s going to kill the Saints and win the MVP. Unless James Brown’s tie starts playing.
- Peyton Manning won’t be stopped. He could play defense and return one for a TD if he wanted. He might be that good.
- Glad to see Monty Burns isn’t immune to the economy.
- Doritos definitely winning the commercial wars. Bud Light a close second. Now let’s hope someone else steps up. Like these beavers, which were just called “So cute.” Not sure if I agree, but you can’t go wrong with animals playing instruments.

Second Quarter

- Was that Shamu the killer whale, which I used to see at Sea World? Good to see he’s still getting some work.
- Now the Saints are driving. Highest scoring Super Bowl ever? Can the Saints come back from the biggest Super Bowl deficit of all time? Will a commercial break bring something other than Doritos or Bud Light?
- Dwight Freeney has the strongest left hand ever. And he got to Brees with a torn ligament. I can’t walk when I stub my toe; he’s destroying NFL quarterbacks on one leg. I’m a loser.
- Jay Leno and Dave Letterman separated by Oprah. Hell is definitely getting all the snow that hit the south this past weekend. At least Jay could have worn a Saints jersey. Yet one more reason that I can’t stand him.
- Why isn’t anyone wearing pants this commercial break?
- There is a very good possibility that each team will own 2 quarters each. Right now, the second quarter belongs to the Saints. This leads me to believe that whichever team owns the 4th quarter will win. For sake of my prediction, lets hope it’s the Colts.
- Dove for men? I may need to pick that up cause sometimes I’m just not comfortable in my own skin.
- If I were a Colts fan at this point, I wouldn’t be too confident. If I was a Saints fan, I wouldn’t be too worried. Alas I’m a Giants fan so I’m just looking forward to chicken quesadillas.
- Where were the Colts defensive backs on that play? Less than 5 yards and they’re playing to cover for the TD? I could have gained the first down on that play, and I have a stubbed toe.
- The Saints down to the 1 down by 7, and they take it to the 2 minute warning. If they score on the first play, they will give Peyton about 1:50 to drive down the field. I’m going with a 17-10 Colts lead at halftime. Again, I won’t win any money. My numbers are just not realistic.
- CSI: Miami just used Star Wars music for their promo. I will start watching that show now.
- I don’t know why Helena Bonham Carter annoys me so much. Is it because she’s so freakin’ ugly? That might be it, but I can’t be sure.
- Punxsutawney Polamalu just took the lead as best commercial of the Super Bowl. Kudos to Tru TV
- Going for it on 4th down…and no he didn’t get it. I think I may have taken the points. Or throw it. I wouldn’t have run it. Now they’ve given Peyton 1:49 and 99 yards to go. I’m hoping for 3 plays.
- I would be wrong yet again. I’m stopping with the hoping and the wishing and just talk about the commercials.
- Jim Nantz is calling us friends again…and telling Jason to take that skirt off. He might be the greatest announcer/human being of all time.
- The only thing you prevent when you play prevent defense is stopping the offense. I don’t know why teams continue to play it that way in the last 2 minutes of every half.
- People who had 0 and 3 just let out a really loud curse word.
- Caldwell is still not blinking. Not even Steve Tasker can get him to show a human emotion.

Half Time

- Did I just really see Kobe Bryant winning an NBA title during the commercial, followed by a graphic asking me if I remember where I was when…???? I don’t know about you, but I don’t know if the Lakers winning an NBA title really correlate to a “remember where you were” moment.
- Welcome The Who to the middle of the field. Millions of people under the age of 25 just changed the channel to watch Teen Mom on MTV.
- I have an undeniable urge to watch Girl Next Door.
- There’s like 10 more minutes of this, but that’s only if Pete Townshend survives. He definitely looks like he needs an oxygen mask.
- CSI: MIAMI!!!!!
- Pete Townshend just showed his mid-drift. That’s right on par with Janet Jackson’s boob. You can’t argue with this.
- Didn’t think that the half time score would be 10-6. I figured there was a chance we were looking at 20-17, 24-14, 28-17, but again, I was wrong. Could my prediction be that far off? I don’t think so, but I haven’t been right all night. If I was a fan of either team, I wouldn’t be that confident nor would I be that worried. This game is there for either team to win. Again, whoever wins the 4th quarter will win this game.

Third Quarter

- An onsides kick to start the half? Sean Payton must have played Tecmo Bowl in the locker room to see if that play would work.
- Caldwell is probably mad, but you couldn’t tell cause he has no human emotions. And the ball bounced off of Hank Baskett, which means that Kendra won’t let him into her sacred grounds tonight.
- The Saints have come to play in this 3rd quarter. They won the 2nd, and are thus far winning the 3rd, which means Peyton will win the 4th, and you know what that means…
- BTW, chicken quesadillas were fantastic.
- Saints just made the Colts defense look like a JV team. I may have underestimated this Drew Brees guy.
- Megan Fox, followed by punch VW. Greatest back-to-back commercial in Super Bowl history. But I highly doubt Stevie saw that car.
- Millions of people just called 1-877-987-6401, including me. I love Barney, and I will meet him in 2016.
- Seriously, where the heck has Joseph Addai been all season!!???!!!!????
- Nantz that ball got to that point cause Peyton is the best quarterback of all time. Recognize Nantz.
- Really???? Addai????? All season!!!! I think I was just suckered into drafting him in the second round, and that’s just not a good idea. And finally this game has turned into what we hoped it would be.
- I hope they don’t make another Vacation movie. That commercial was about all I could take.
- KGB!!!!! Great placement for them. I’m expecting 200,000 texts.
- Like a wolf…milk-a-holic! E*Trade just took the lead. Sorry Troy Polamalu.
- Gotta tighten up the tackling on the Colts end. Doesn’t look like they are going to do that. That means that Brees is going to light them up.
- Brees going for the Simms pass completion percentage SB record. It’s not going to happen. YOU CAN’T PASS ON THE GIANTS!
- See, take the points. Always take the points. Now you’ll only be down by 8 after this series.
- Aw, Google was so sweet.
- CBS loses so much money with all their promos. We know that CSI and NCIS are on the network. They are already the top rated shows on TV. Show less promos and get more money for your ads.
- Peyton not knowing how much time was remaining in the quarter is making my stomach feel a little queasy about the Colts winning the 4th quarter, thus them winning the game.

Fourth Quarter

- This game isn’t exactly the highflying affair that everyone thought it would be. Now I’ve gone into full football evaluation mode.
- Wait. It’s only 9:00? And that was the first long ball of the game? And it was thrown like that? I’m losing faith in this game.
- Going for it on 4th. Bring it!
- Jim Caldwell isn’t afraid to make a big decision because he doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions. Robots have no feelings.
- That’s a long field goal. Vinatieri would have made it.
- The Saints are going to win. Yes, I flip flopped.
- No turnovers yet. There is a possibility that the first one will be the biggest one.
- I’m very impressed that there hasn’t been a non-call all game. But just like the lack of turnovers, it may be coming. And it may be huge.
- Jeremy Shockey just scored a touchdown. I will now burn all my Giants jerseys. Which is definitely followed by a 2-point conversion……..and that didn’t happen. Peyton and the Colts still have a chance to win the 4th. If they do, I am a genius. If they don’t, I will quit everything that has to do with sports and just go with TV and movies. That I know.
- This challenge can go either way. I’m going with no catch. Phil Simms thinks it can be overturned…………….And it is. Again, I’m a loser. Saints up 7, but my pick is right there. If the Colts score 17 points in 5 minutes, I’m golden.
- I don’t know about you, but screaming chickens are always funny because they are so delicious.
- There is a teeny tiny feeling in the pit of my stomach that we are about to see a Peyton turnover for a TD. I hope I’m wrong, but I can’t help it.
- And yes Nantz and Simms, there is a chance we are looking at overtime, but that won’t happen.
- Peyton is just being Peyton right now.
- Al Gore is making commercials now?
- I shouldn’t be too excited since there’s still 3:10 left and they can score 2 TD’s in no time.
- And the Colts are done.
- Maybe not.
- For a guy, Go should be the best commercials during the Super Bowl. But because they don’t allow the lovely women to finish taking off their jackets before they cut away, it’s a huge disappointment. Sort of like the Colts offense tonight.
- Again, Addai? Really? If the Colts win, he needs to get MVP of the game.
- Wayne should have caught that ball. You need to play like a champion. Drop that ball and lose the game. Good work.
- Congrats to the Saints. You won the 4th quarter, thus winning the game.
- Cue the confetti.
- NEW E*TRADE COMMERCIAL!!! Not that funny. Boo.

- James Brown’s tie is definitely winning right now. Closely followed by E*Trade, Doritos, Drew Brees, and all the beads that are being worn by the CBS studio crew. Hopefully Shannon Sharpe showed some boobage to get them. We can only hope since he might possibly have very sexual nips.
- The Crazies? I need to see that!!! Chances are my family is the main stars.
- The NFL trophy presentation stage is missing the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, and the Scarecrow. Cue the confetti.
- Sean Payton almost launched the trophy 25 yards. Cue more confetti.
- Drew Brees. Best second grade haircut in the NFL. Cue even more confetti.
- Nantz’s voice is very powerful. He’s almost Emperor circa Empire Strikes Back.
- And just like that football is over for another 7 months. The only thing that will carry me through then is the prospect of Undercover Boss being a gigantic hit.
- Jim Caldwell still won’t blink. That was just about the most amazing act of control I’ve ever seen.

So brings us to the end of my very first Super Bowl blog. It was a lot of fun to do, but reading through it, I’m sure that I won’t even understand it. Treat this as a test run, followed by many changes and edits along the way. Then again, I may end up liking everything that I read, which will make this an on going happening. I can deal with it if you can.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Think of What You're Saying

Since I'm waiting for the washing machine to open up (seriously, who does laundry on a Saturday night????) I figured I would jot down a few thoughts. This might be pretty random, so forgive me for deviating from the normal TV talk.

Went to see Avatar and could definitely see the appeal...if I was all that much interested in computer graphics. I just don't think it took that much talent to create that world. For all those that are depressed that they don't live on Pandora, remember this: there are humongous rhino looking creatures that will run you over if they see you make a move. Wolf/hyena type mammals will tear you from limb to limb. Freakishly tall blue people with pony tails and no genitalia carry a bow and 1 arrow to protect themselves. I don't think you're missing anything.

I think Dan Dierdorf has really strong emotional and sexual feelings for Peyton Manning. There's a chance that if Peyton was ever convicted of murder, Dierdorf would praise him for the way he moved his feet as he drove a knife into some one's chest.

Steve Guttenberg better get the lead in The John Harbaugh Story: From Broncos to Ravens.

Geico has definitely moved to the front of the commercial list again, and I would love to see the gecko take out the Progressive lady. She wears way too much lipstick.

Every time the Blackberry commercial airs, a piece of John Lennon's spirit enters each phone and messes with the track ball. I don't know why he's invading mine, I can't stand that they are using that song.

Whoever decided to put glue on the starting tab of the toilet paper should be taken out back and beaten with a hose. Toilet paper is the flimsiest entity in the world and the last thing you need to fight with is glue when you're trying to take care of business.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Didn't Know What I Would Find There

I'm not too sure if this whole late night issue has me in the tizzy that I might have been in if I were a little younger. Now a days I spend my late nights either sleeping or watching Daily Show/Colbert Report/Sportscenter (although if they don't change their LA team, I might abandon ship on them too). I don't have the time or patience to watch a watered down Conan, an old Letterman, an on WAY too late Fallon, or a boring Kimmel. And don't get me started on Leno.

OK, get me started.

I never thought Leno was funny. His jokes were and are still lame, but also pretty obvious at the same time. He's definitely perfected the "have you heard this, did you know about this?" routine, and that annoys me to no end. He's freakishly weird looking, and the fact that his chin protrudes out further than his poofy hair leads me to believe that he's not fully developed. The dumbest thing that NBC did was give him a primetime show. On top of that, it was a primetime show that was nothing special. There weren't any new gags that weren't thought up of for The Tonight Show, and those were getting old. The only thing that changed was taking the desk away, leaving the audience with an uncomfortable shot of Leno's crossed legs and crotch to stare at while he interviewed a celebrity, badly.

Unfortunately, the majority of people didn't agree with me, and thought that Leno was the greatest thing since sliced bread. These are the same herbs that let Arrested Development get canceled. These are the same tools that are going to get Better Off Ted canceled. And it's these same people who are going to cause Conan to go to FOX where he will fail miserably and we will no longer see the Masturbating Bear. Once that day happens, I'm definitely moving to Canada.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting Nowhere

Well, look who's back. It was a very successful and long holiday, as I received a pair of socks in my stocking. Apparently my parents told me that they used to receive such a gift back in the day. My thoughts were that back then, my grandparents didn't have much money, and of course they gave my parents socks. It was the gift that kept on giving because there were no holes in the new pair. I understand.

So here we are in 2010. A new year with nothing but hope and promise. It's like a brand new slate that's blank and clear. I'm very excited. But nothing could make me more excited than what I saw on The Daily Show tonight. George Lucas, the greatest human this side of Bea Arthur, talked to Jon Stewart. The first thing Jon Stewart did was question him about how the Sith couldn't sense that Leia was out there in the universe. EXACTLY! We argued about that 5 years ago! I'm so happy that I'm not the only geek that felt this was an incredible injustice. Thank you Jon Stewart, you are my idol.

I also want to give a shout out to my buddy KLong for always putting a Star Wars reference in all of The Colbert Report graphics. Tonight's graphic included the explosion of Alderaan (Charming to the last) and I laughed and cried each time it aired. Good job my are always my REAL idol.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let Me Whisper In Your Ear

'It's the holiday season and Santa Claus has got a toy for every good girl and good little boy.'

Oh Andy Williams. You make my heart leap out of my chest every year. You always put me in a good mood around this time of year. I never get holiday blues because of you. This year also gave me another reason to not be blue...Oprah and the Obama's. Thank you for leading us into the holidays, and I dare not be blue. Oprah, the most powerful human being to be genetically created, is the epitome of Christmas. Plus, she owns the rights to it. Apparently Santa was also hit hard by the economy, and needed a bail out. Reindeer droppings removal is quite expensive.

'He'll have a big fat pack upon his back And lots of goodies for you and me.'

You disappoint me Better Off Ted. Although last night's episode was funny as a stand alone, where was the Christmas spirit? Are you telling me that the good people of Veridian are that emotionally defunct that we can't get a Christmas party, or at least even a Christmas carol? Phil dressed like an elf would have given me sweet dreams of sugar plums and weird, um, little elf people. Sometimes I scare me.

'It's the holiday season with the whoop-de-do and hickory dock and don't forget to hang up your sock.'

Being on vacation is fun, except for the daytime television. If you have any type of taste at all, you're not watching any type of television from the hours of 9am to 5pm. That is unless you love repeats and soap operas. Luckily for me, I love BOTH! I watched Sportscenter for 6 straight hours on Monday and learned nothing new. Yesterday was a marathon of Law & Order: SVU, where I saw the Jupiter Jack commercial with both Billy Mays and Anthony Sullivan. That was a little weird since it's the same script, the same images, but different spokespeople. I was spooked. I don't know who to listen to. The ghost of Billy Mays or the guy is scooping up his sloppy seconds. Anthony Sullivan, you are no Billy Mays. And Billy Mays, you are just as powerful in death as you were in life.