Saturday, January 16, 2010

Think of What You're Saying

Since I'm waiting for the washing machine to open up (seriously, who does laundry on a Saturday night????) I figured I would jot down a few thoughts. This might be pretty random, so forgive me for deviating from the normal TV talk.

Went to see Avatar and could definitely see the appeal...if I was all that much interested in computer graphics. I just don't think it took that much talent to create that world. For all those that are depressed that they don't live on Pandora, remember this: there are humongous rhino looking creatures that will run you over if they see you make a move. Wolf/hyena type mammals will tear you from limb to limb. Freakishly tall blue people with pony tails and no genitalia carry a bow and 1 arrow to protect themselves. I don't think you're missing anything.

I think Dan Dierdorf has really strong emotional and sexual feelings for Peyton Manning. There's a chance that if Peyton was ever convicted of murder, Dierdorf would praise him for the way he moved his feet as he drove a knife into some one's chest.

Steve Guttenberg better get the lead in The John Harbaugh Story: From Broncos to Ravens.

Geico has definitely moved to the front of the commercial list again, and I would love to see the gecko take out the Progressive lady. She wears way too much lipstick.

Every time the Blackberry commercial airs, a piece of John Lennon's spirit enters each phone and messes with the track ball. I don't know why he's invading mine, I can't stand that they are using that song.

Whoever decided to put glue on the starting tab of the toilet paper should be taken out back and beaten with a hose. Toilet paper is the flimsiest entity in the world and the last thing you need to fight with is glue when you're trying to take care of business.

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