Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Didn't Know What I Would Find There

I'm not too sure if this whole late night issue has me in the tizzy that I might have been in if I were a little younger. Now a days I spend my late nights either sleeping or watching Daily Show/Colbert Report/Sportscenter (although if they don't change their LA team, I might abandon ship on them too). I don't have the time or patience to watch a watered down Conan, an old Letterman, an on WAY too late Fallon, or a boring Kimmel. And don't get me started on Leno.

OK, get me started.

I never thought Leno was funny. His jokes were and are still lame, but also pretty obvious at the same time. He's definitely perfected the "have you heard this, did you know about this?" routine, and that annoys me to no end. He's freakishly weird looking, and the fact that his chin protrudes out further than his poofy hair leads me to believe that he's not fully developed. The dumbest thing that NBC did was give him a primetime show. On top of that, it was a primetime show that was nothing special. There weren't any new gags that weren't thought up of for The Tonight Show, and those were getting old. The only thing that changed was taking the desk away, leaving the audience with an uncomfortable shot of Leno's crossed legs and crotch to stare at while he interviewed a celebrity, badly.

Unfortunately, the majority of people didn't agree with me, and thought that Leno was the greatest thing since sliced bread. These are the same herbs that let Arrested Development get canceled. These are the same tools that are going to get Better Off Ted canceled. And it's these same people who are going to cause Conan to go to FOX where he will fail miserably and we will no longer see the Masturbating Bear. Once that day happens, I'm definitely moving to Canada.

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