Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Break Down

Forgive me if I don't take the time to be nice with this. They have finally done it. They have finally killed any hope in the world. They have finally...taken Saved By The Bell off of TBS.

This is a day that I knew was coming, but were we really ready? Were we really expecting it to happen? Were we thinking about lovely Kelly in a one piece, or Slater's frolet and decided to ignore all the stories and what not? I think we were. And I for one and not happy. Not happy at all. Now whenever I hear bells ringing, I will only think about the hope that is gone from my life. The hope that can never be replaced. Tis a truly sad day. Today, I died, just a little bit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Don't Really Want to Stop the Show

Saying I'm a talentless hack is probably the wrong phrase to describe me. I'm more like talent-defective. If I was to accurately describe myself, it would be that I am talented at not being great at anything, but being sub-par at everything I do. Now I think that's actually harder to accomplish than 1 or 2 great things. To be talented at everything, without being good at any of those things? Amazing! If you don't mind, let's take a look:

- My writing skills are adequate at best. Nothing too funny, nothing too memorable, and for the most part I write in full sentences with minimal grammatical errors, but you may hang on my every word cause you're hoping I say something funny or memorable.
- My athletic skills were always just good enough to not be picked last, but not good enough to win any MVPs, or even MIPs. Plus plateauing at age 7 was probably not the best way to go about winning any trophies.
- I take a butt load of pictures at events, but always seem to miss the absolute perfect picture. It's good that recognize that I missed that opportunity right after it happens.
- Even my knowledge of TV, movies and sports is on the level of "good enough to keep up, but not vast enough to surprise anyone." I blame my parents for that one.

For all the talent-deficiencies I have, it's a good thing I'm cute - which can be argued as well, but that's a whole other story.